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What do parents & students have to say about their counselors? Save CUSD Counseling would love to share these testimonials with you.


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Testimonial for Rebecca Rabe,
CMS Counselor & the Therapy Dogs

I am Bryson. I am in the seventh grade, and I have known Ms. Rabe since 6 grade she has really helped me through 6 and 7th grade. The dog agility program is a great thing for the new 6 graders and the other 7th graders. Ms. Rabe has really helped me come out of my shell before I knew her it was hard to talk to people . Ms. Rabe and the dog group really helped me be more social. I made friends with the people in the dog group. I was in the beginning dog group. As a teaching helper and I saw how much the 6th graders loved the program and the dogs. I saw them work together and make friends with each other. I am now in the advanced group with the people I made friends with in last year’s group.


"Hello my name is Declan Russell.  I’m a 7th grade student at Coronado Middle School. I’m trying to spread the word to stop CUSD from laying off 3 of its counselors. The District's Clinical School Counselors seriously help students including me with ALL sorts of issues.  I used to not even want to go to school, if I’m going to be frank with you, but Ms.Rebecca Rabe -who is one of CMS’s Counselors helped me, so SO much also her Therapy Dogs, and the Dog Agility Group. The Dog Agility Group now has over 60 members in all of CMS, which is 60+ students being helped by Ms.Rabe with that group alone. She also takes the dogs to the high school and on field trips helping other kids in the district.  I personally know a student leaving a private school in Coronado to attend CMS, partly because of the therapy dogs. Students at CMS sometimes really only go to school because of Ms. Rabe and the dogs for all types of reasons but just a few are hard situations at home, Stress, and even just not feeling well.


Ms. Rabe herself has helped me so much and the dog are only just a bonus, she’s always there for me, she doesn't forget my name like other counselors at the school, she is super supportive, caring, always helpful, she even gives up her lunch to help me and a lot more students to the point that I wouldn’t be able to say how many more. Now this amazing counselor is being laid off due to budget cuts in CUSD as well as 2 other counselors in CUSD which includes Coronado High School's Ms.Yesenia Zavalza & CUSD's only Spanish-speaking therapist, Ms.Katie Rademacher.

This is one of the first essays I have written in my 7th grade career because this means so much to me and it’s such an important thing to me to the point where I’m writing this straight out of my heart without even being asked to.  Having Mrs. Rabe there at school has helped me SOOO unbelievably much! I’ve also had very good experiences with Ms.Katie before she moved to CHS. Finally after saying all that I please urge you to email CUSD’s School Board to fight these counselors from being laid off, and feel free to go to for more info."

Testimonial for Rebecca Rabe,
CMS Counselor & the Therapy Dogs

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